Wow... a lot has gone on since the last time that I blogged. I've done so many things right and made so many mistakes that it's truly scary.
Let me start by catching you up on what has happened since the last time that I blogged.
For starters, I DID go to Indianapolis to meet Abby. The one thing that I promised myself was that I would give her a fair chance, which honestly is something that I've never done with anyone else before.
Wait... Did I say that I had never given anyone else a fair chance before?
Well, that's partially true. Maybe I'll write more about that later...
I decided to start blogging again because I made a blunder. Yes, I made a blunder... Me... of all people...
I'm the one that's making mistakes.
The latest mistake? Well... more on that later too...
It's just good to be back and have an outlet.