When it comes to dating, I have rules. One very important rule is:
Don't chase... it makes you look desperate.
This is important for a few reasons.
1) If you chase, you look desperate. Looking desperate is very unattractive.
2) If you chase, you look a little unstable. If you want someone too much, then you seem insecure.
When approaching someone, you want to be confident and a high value person. Get it?
This past week I have been preaching this to a friend of mine that has been chasing this guy like a hungry lost puppy.
Well I had a chance to test the theory. I met ts travel nurse . Actually I've known her for about a year. She's getting ready to come from the east coast to the west coast and "invited herself" to stop by for a weekend, since we've been hitting it off so well on the phone.
Well, she is suppose to come to town tonight and last night - yesterday - was the the first day that I didn't get her standard good morning message to me: good morning sweet cheeks.
I sent her a good morning message... no reply.
Around noon I sent her a joking message about her going away party.
Around 7pm I called to check in on her...
I shouldn't have made that phone call.
I should not have made that phone call.
I should not have made that phone call.
Well... here's the game plan... I am not going to call her again. Even if I never hear from her again.
The object is also not to appear desperate.
As much as I hate games, I know that I cannot answer her phone call when... if... she calls the first time. I have got to let it go to voice mail.
If she texts, I can't reply for about an hour.
But this year, I am following new rules:
Yeah, keep it simple...
Wish me luck.