The thing about life is that there are hills and valleys. The way I look at it, it's possible to be discontent in each!
When you're at the top, it can be too cold, too damp, the wind can be too high... you may have trouble finding the sustenance that you need... you can't live on the mountaintop forever... you have to climb down... only to climb back up again... what's the point?
When you're in the valley you're kind of penned in by these really high oppressing peaks on all sides of you, you live in the shadows of these big ominous things that hide the light from you.If you want to see what's going on around you you have to climb to the top... it's just tiring... draining.
People can spend their entire life wishing to be in one place or the other. It's a frustrating cycle.
There was a time when we understood that. When we were a hearty people that would make the best of things wherever we were.
Now? We're so consumer oriented. We want everything to be nice and calm... easy.
Not me... I like the challenges of both.