What I am about to write isn't so you will pity me.
It's so you will be encouraged.
Here's how my year started...
While working in Denver, I received a phone call from my contracting agency letting me know my contract had been terminated.
Great. Unemployed.
I've started my job hunt... no problem - spirits are good.
Decide to work out... go downstairs to my treadmill...
Great. It's skipping. Needs to be repaired.
While looking at my treadmill I look up at my drop tile ceiling in the basement and notice a growing water spot. Leak?
Not 1 leak... but 2 leaks. The coupling to one of the sinks in the kitchen needed to be tightened. I fixed that.
Great. High pressure water feed to my dishwasher is leaking.
Oh... and my Dad who has been battling cancer was hospitalized. Radiation esophogitis and Colitis. Basically, the radiation to treat the last nodules in his throat. This caused his throat to become irritated - causing him not to be able to eat, drink or take his meds.
Due to not being able to eat/drink for several days Dad ended up in the hospital - malnourished and dehydrated.
Great. Dad's in the hospital.
When I got there, it was difficult to take a look at him. Several people from his church had stopped by and left in complete tears. When I got there, my Dad - who is a man of faith said "I am ready to see my master" - he was ready just to let it all end there. My Dad - who has always been a profile in courage for me was what appeared to be the end.
His voice was barely above a whisper, every breath was strained.
He just asked for one thing... that we pray. So I stayed there with him... praying with him. Holding his hand. Until I went home to bring my Mom in for a couple hours. We stayed for a few hours and Dad in a voice that was really strained looked up at Mom and me and said:
"I prayed for the strength to persevere."
I took Mom home and came back to spend the night.
Around 2:30 in the morning, Dad sat up in the bed. I asked him what he was doing. He said - "I'm going to the bathroom." I unplugged his IV from the wall... and he - under his own power - walked to the bathroom... back to the bed. Before he climbed back in bed he had one thing to say...
"Back to warfare..."
In the beginning of the year, I really felt like God was saying - "Be still and know I'm God" and every day... things look darker... harder than the day before. The question is - can you trust and have faith when things are bad as easily as when things are good?
It's tough...but I am taking a lesson from my Dad... It may be a moment before I blog again... because for me?
"It's back to warfare..."
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