You kind of have to look ahead and prepare ahead of time. If you don't there may be consequences. You have to look ahead and anticipate the what's coming up and position yourself accordingly.
Unfortunately, what happens sometimes is that you enjoy the ride sometimes and find yourself a little... out of sorts. You have to react and hope that no oncoming traffic is coming your way.
That's kind of where I am right now. I was enjoying the ride, didn't anticipate, and now that I have reacted to the mistakes that I've made it's time for me to start paying attention.
I need to get back to the basics... back to rule number 1...
Everyone gets judged by time and consistency.
I have so fallen into the trap of seeing what I want to see that I have failed to remember that one key rule. Because I have let one person ruin that balance, my overall equillibrium has been thrown off with others. So... for me? It's back to the basics.
I need to go back to the lessons that I've written here... I need to get back to the basics... I need to start writing here again... it helps keep me centered.
So, blog.. you will hear from me again soon...
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