So… the light bulb goes off today. Not in the sense that things were made darker, but in the sense that I had a moment of enlightenment.
I’m not sure that this is going to make a lot of sense to anyone but me… but here goes.
I am pretty sure that I’ve been inflicting my loneliness on other people. I’ve never really thought about that much until this morning. Sometimes there’s a part of me that really wants to be a part of community, even if it’s a community of 2 that I will allow my loneliness to become a little “over indulgent” and come across as interest to some unsuspecting soul that is really no better off than I am.
Now, I’m not saying this is always my modus operandi. It doesn’t hold true for people that I genuinely like… but people who are on the periphery? People that suck life from me? Maybe it’s my own pathos in a passive aggressive way to suck the life out of them the way they suck the life out of me.
I’m not sure.
Maybe it’s because I wasn’t hugged enough as a child and looking longingly into someone’s eyes and offering a deep embrace yields the illusion of love as I try to throw shovels of dirt into a chasm the size of the Grand Canyon so I can fill this hole that’s been growing in my heart.
What I do know is that I’m nearing 41 years old and pretending that this isn’t a fact of my life and just trying to wander around trying to find a path around it just isn’t working any more.
I’m not sure when I deviated from my path…
I suck
1 comment:
lol, you don't suck. You're dealing with what we all deal with...
Someone, probably someone brilliant, said that all people are born with one thing in common: the NEED to experience love...both giving and receiving love.
I think it's beautiful watching you learn to love yourself in the truest, most honest sense of who you are, not who you THINK you SHOULD be.
You're going to be a-ok...and once you figure out how awesome you are, and how deserving you are of your own self respect and love (even in your imperfect moments) it'll probably shock you how easy it is to find true love with other people.
and imo, figuring that out in your early 40's is putting you well ahead of the curve....especially considering your lack of years of psycho therapy :)
Cheers to you!
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