Monday, June 28, 2010

A double standard exists...

Okay... as much as I hate to admit it, I think I may have a double standard when it comes to the women that I choose to be interested in.

Now, whether black, white, latina or asian there are some qualities that I find attractive.

I dig women with wide eyes, a broad smile, angular face...

I'm a sucker for those qualities.

Now... there are some differences...

I prefer to date women that are between size 6 and 14. If it's a white woman I would go as high as a size 18... if she's black? I wouldn't go higher than a 10-12.

See? That's a bias!

There are other biases that I have as well.

I just realized this... not sure what I'm going to do about it.

Bothers me tho.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Finding the happy place...

There are a few important life lessons that I find that I need to remember from time to time.

One of them is that others should not dictate your happiness. They may mess with your world for a few moments, but in the grand scheme of things? At worse case it should be a temporary thing... right?

So, I'm dedicating this weekend to finding my happy place.

See ya!

Friday, June 25, 2010

I am enough...

Nothing messes with your self esteem like being on a dating site.

I am not sure why I do it... but every once in a while... I do it.

This time? I think I'm taking it all a little too personally.

I know that I am a reasonably attractive guy. I know that I have a huge heart and an incredible capacity to love. I know a lot of things...

But when it all comes down to it, the people that are attracted to me vastly differ from the people that I am interested in.

I think I deserve someone that doesn't weigh 300 pounds. I deserve someone that can take a picture where they actually have combed their hair and have some pride in their appearance. I deserve someone that will at least pretend they know how to spell by running a spell check before they put up their profile.

But that's not what I attract.

That's what messes with my self esteem.


It's all the same.

I quit.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I'm sad...

For the first time in a long time I really feel unlovable.

When there is someone that is standing in your corner... that you can go home to and give them a big hug and you know that they have your back and the success of your partnership depends on the efforts that both of you make... there's something about that that will strengthen the heart of a man.

When a man is out there by himself, left to his own devices... the potential for chaos looms.

I have been in a freakin' funk for the last few days and it's because I... once again find myself... alone.

I am languishing in the most horrific string of bad happenings over the last several days... I might as well enumerate them for you...

1) This woman that I was interested in... but told me that I wouldn't quite measure up to her superficials, although I lined up with everything else she was looking for sent me a text message out of the blue and asked me to do a favor for her...

So... I'm good enough to be used for a favor, but not good enough to date... you get points sister... you get points... about 250 negative points.

I know she'll eventually realize the mistake she's making... it happens a lot in my world... but in this arena, I tend to be rather unforgiving.

Your loss.

2) Another woman that I was interested in decided to chase some guy and get her heart broken. At least she was kind enough to send me a text and say she needed time to mend. I give her points for not stringing me on or using me to be a rebound.

Every once in a while I send her a text message to let her know that I'm thinking about her.

Her reply today??? "Awww... how sweet... but it would have been nice if Troy sent this text :-) How are you?"

Ummm... I was fine up until that point.

I can go on and on about the insensitive nature of the women that I've met in my life time.

I just want to know ... what's up with that?

Are all women this way or is my chooser broken and I always tend to find the ones that lack compassion.

I've been a nice guy up to this point... I think I'm done... I really do.



Saturday, June 12, 2010

Alone time

I noticed something interesting... when I was looking for the appropriate image to discuss my need for "alone time" - I noticed that there weren't any happy images tagged with "alone". They were all sad in nature.

Although I have friends that tell me that I'm always pursuing a relationship with someone and that I need to learn how to be alone, I can honestly say that I disagree with them.

I actually spend a lot of time alone and enjoy my solitary time.

I enjoy meeting people. (Especially women), but I don't need to be in a relationship at all...

Anyway... I'm going to patiently enjoy being me... happy.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Trust is a dangerous thing...

The one thing that sucks about relationships is that at some fundamental level... you have to trust the other person.

The problem with that is that people don't show themselves to be trustworthy because they have been hurt by others.

The expectation that you're going to be hurt lends itself to a self fulfilling prophecy.

Here's a story...

My sister-in-law is one of the most sane women that I know. She told me an interesting story.

Her father has a BAD temper which manifested itself in violence.

When she met my brother, she really liked him but couldn't trust him because she didn't know what he was like when he was angry. So what did she do? She would try to make him mad. She would push his buttons over and over again to get him to the point of anger.

When she realized that his anger was different that her Dad's she began to trust.

So... maybe I shouldn't say trust is a dangerous thing... maybe I should say making someone earn your trust is a dangerous thing.

So... why am I on this path? Because of something that was said to me moments ago...

I was seeing this young lady that I really liked.

The problem was, she was hurt by her Dad. If I ever said anything that she didn't agree with, her eyes would glaze over and she would go to her happy place and say "yeah" or "uh-huh" at the appropriate pauses. It didn't matter what I would say... she had tuned out.

The problem was, she was hurt by her ex-husband. Her ex-husband married her, but he decided that he also wanted to date 2 other women to her exclusion... even though they were married. His rejection hurt her.

There were more stories... but you get the picture.

The result was that everything that I did was seen through the filter of guys that did her wrong.

Every dating restriction that she placed on me was based upon guys that had violated her trust in the past.

I happen to be a great guy... and I could put up with it... to a point.

One night, she called me at 11pm on a work night and talked with me until 2:30am. The topic?

"How do I know that you won't leave me when we're married. What if I offend you... will you just put me away?"

Now, we had only been dating for 7 weeks.

She would peer into my past. Ask questions. Grill me. Hold me accountable to decisions that I made during my youth... not the man that I am now.

Anyway... I ended up putting a status on my Facebook that stated exactly how I was feeling at the moment.

She ended up sending me an e-mail that said "[your status cannot be] used to manipulate me or blame me for making decisions that I have every right to make."

Okay... so... you're allowed to have your opinion, but I'm not allowed to have mine?

Yeah... so... I did what she feared... I put her away... removed her from my Facebook. Quickly and privately.

As a result, I am the same as any other guy in her past.


I feel bad.


Wednesday, June 09, 2010


Today is my first day of freedom in a post "J" world. The question is what am I going to do with it...

For starters, I renewed my termite bond.

I also am going to the church tonight to work with the band!!! Joy.

I have determined that I'm going to start running free like the stallion that I am.

Watch me flex my muscles world!!!

The ball and chain...

So... I met this woman about a month ago.

She was singularly one of the most beautiful women that I ever met with a sweet personality. She was a communicator and had a great relationship with God. Everything that I ever looked for.

The problems were:
  • She had a very fragile ego - she lacked the ability to see things any way except for hers
  • She was fairly judgmental, she could go on for hours about how people "got it wrong"
  • She viewed me through the filter of every guy in the past that ever did her wrong
  • She couldn't live out of my past
It seemed like every week I would have to struggle to work through problems and it was always me seeking the mitigation of what ever craziness was going on in her head.

I know I should have run away when I saw these tendencies... but I didn't. We had the ability to work through things...


Anyway, things ended abruptly and poorly.

The funny thing is, I was kind of relieved.

One of the many restrictions that she placed on us was a strict "no kissing" policy... yes, no kissing until the wedding day.

I fought for her... but there was no emotional connection at all.

I probably would have walked earlier if I would have blogged about it...

I need to get back to writing here more frequently.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010


Right now? I am hungry. I have learned to recognize the difference between when I'm hungry for food and hungry for feeding my flesh.

(I know this is really metaphorical, but sometimes my blog is just for me... this is one of those times.)

There have been things that I have repented over in the past and when things don't work out the way that I hope that they would... I tend to go back and make the same mistakes that I've made before.

It's not so much because I want to... I strike out in frustration.

Not this time...

I feel blah... and sad... but continue to learn and move forward.