Friday, August 27, 2010

Chasing my tail???

So... here's the deal.

Remember Chi Chi? The one that I've broken up with more times than you can shake a stick at? Well, in our little on again/off again world - we are on again.

Yeah, I know, it seems crazy.

There are other people that I'm interested in, but there are a few quotes that may fit:

  • A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush
  • The devil that you know is better than the devil that you don't know
I'm sure there are a few others out there, but the truth is - every person that I get to know is worse than the person before... and the people that are chasing e now, are quite scary. BELIEVE ME!

So, what I've done is decided that I'm going to give her one last chance.


I'll report back on Monday.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Oops I did it again...

Okay... here's the deal.

One of the things that I've said before is that my standards, in terms of who I want to date, are REALLY high. So high, that I'm looking for a pole vaulter.

The problem is... I have never chosen to dated a pole vaulter. I always compromise on something...

I always promise myself that I won't. I call it not being shallow...

But I do.

I should stop.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Leaving well enough alone...

Okay... so Chi Chi is still around... until the next time I talk with her... then I'm going to send her on her way. I'm not saying she's nuts... I just liked the picture...

Anyway, I don't believe in doing things half way. If you're going to date someone, you should give 100%.

I gave 100%. In return, I got about 25% in return.

That's cool... I can accept that. If 25% is all you can bring. If I accept you, you're accepted for whatever it is that you can bring.

So... Chi Chi came over this weekend. She wasn't feeling well - she was running a fever. So, I gave her my bed... I took care of her. I bought her meds, food, filled her car for her like I do whenever she comes by... and I have realized that she is ungrateful.

After I drove her home (an hour drive) and made sure that her car got there (which meant multiple trips for me) she sent the craziest text message to me showing me that regardless of how great I am, she has her own silly hang ups that will ruin an otherwise good thing for her.


I deserve better.

Ciao Chi Chi.

Live long and prosper.