Anyway, I don't believe in doing things half way. If you're going to date someone, you should give 100%.
I gave 100%. In return, I got about 25% in return.
That's cool... I can accept that. If 25% is all you can bring. If I accept you, you're accepted for whatever it is that you can bring.
So... Chi Chi came over this weekend. She wasn't feeling well - she was running a fever. So, I gave her my bed... I took care of her. I bought her meds, food, filled her car for her like I do whenever she comes by... and I have realized that she is ungrateful.
After I drove her home (an hour drive) and made sure that her car got there (which meant multiple trips for me) she sent the craziest text message to me showing me that regardless of how great I am, she has her own silly hang ups that will ruin an otherwise good thing for her.
I deserve better.
Ciao Chi Chi.
Live long and prosper.
1 comment:
Wow, what? &=( I'm sorry to hear that. And, yes, you DO deserve better. God, we could fill the pages of several volumes of books with our failed relationship stories. One day, we'll get it right...or maybe someone else will get us?
Let's hang out again soon - I miss you. &=)
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