Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Putting it all together...

A lot of times, when people think about relationships, they only think about how 2 puzzle pieces fit together... the two people who are in the relationship.

That's true... people fit together spiritually, emotionally, mentally, in chemistry...

But there's more to it than that... there are circumstances, situations, life, family, friends, trials, adversity, challenges, good times, happy memories, adventures... the list goes on...

All of those elements together make up the tapestry of a beautiful puzzle.

The problem with making a puzzle is... sometimes it gets too difficult to figure out where certain pieces go. As a result, some people get frustrated and walk away from the puzzle...

I think... the object is to find that person that not only fits together with you, but is interested in the picture that you're trying to make... that helps a lot.

Good and bad will happen. Hard and easy too... it's all a part of putting it all together.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Our 1st Thanksgiving...

Lisa collected her 2 teenage daughters and pre-teen son in her van and drove 3 1/2 hours to my house...

All things being equal, it was a very good day.

My kids liked her kids... my kids like her.
Her kids dig me... she likes my kids...

I have always believed that relationships are built over the dinner table, which is why there has never been a TV in my kitchen...

Over dinner we did "guided communication." The following questions were asked of all the kids...

  1. What's going on in your world?
  2. What's your favorite memory of your parent (the one present at the table).
  3. Ask your parent any question.
  4. Ask your parent's "date" any question.
My favorite question came from Lisa's oldest daughter - "What do you like about my Mom?"

When it was all done, the kids stayed at the table and talked among themselves for a while... overall, it was really good. I think we're growing closer together, and I really like this.

I am going to marry her one day...

Monday, November 22, 2010


This morning I was thinking about water... particularly standing in the rain. There are times when I actually love standing in the rain. It's refreshing... getting drenched... feeling the coolness wash over my body... feeling each drop as it hits my skin.

Then there are times when it rains and I couldn't be more annoyed. It impacts the joy that I want to have at that particular moment. I don't want to get out in it. I would rather just curl up and sleep (yeah... me, sleep...)

Either way, whether I am enjoying the rain or not, it serves a purpose. It brings life. It waters the trees, grass, flowers.

That's kind of the way that it is with Gods Word. It brings life... it's designed to bring us closer to God. The question is... how do we feel when we hear it? Do we embrace its refreshing goodness or do we get annoyed by it because it makes our life harder at the moment?

I guess it's all in the attitude.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


At the moment, my life is being thrown into sharp focus. I am beginning to see things clearly. Dreams have been re-awakened. I'm actually content and happy.

Work... on the other hand... is blah.

I generally enjoy what I do, but now I'm in an uninspired place. I'm not sure what's up with that.

It could be that the 2 co-workers that I'm working with have drained the life out of me. It could be because the project is slightly doomed. It could be that there's so much to do and I am not directly in control of it.

I don't know... I am just freakin' uninspired at the moment.

Maybe it's because I need talk radio... listening to people talk usually helps me out... a lot.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Finishing touches...

They say the devil is in the details. The one thing that I am not good at is getting buried in the details.

I... am an idea guy.

The one thing that I know about my current line of work is that if I am going to continue to go on the growth track, I need to learn how to focus on the details.

Previously, I've always had the option of writing 80% of a paper... doing the heavy lifting then tossing it over the wall so that people can polish it. I'm now at a place where I have to work on taking the painstaking time to put the final touches on things and make sure that it all makes sense.

It's hard.

It's a change in thinking.

But in my quest for self-improvement, this is the next big area I have to tackle...


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ain't nothin' like the real thing, baby...

Okay... this is the last syrupy post that I'm going to make...

To me, it's amazing to meet someone that I can talk with on a human level.

We talk openly about our faith, fears, joys, finances, the future...

Although I know in my heart that I am going to marry her, we can talk about the future, but not be obsessed by it.

It's refreshing...

There's such a difference between being in something for the sake of comfort vs. having something real.

So.. this is an encouragement, I guess. To all the people out there that have these high expectations, but have settled in the past... stop... stick to your guns... find health and live in it!

THAT couple...

Have you ever been out in public and seen "that" couple? You know the one that I'm talking about... they are in this sugary kind of love where they look into each others eyes and it to them, it looks like no one else is there.

There was a time that I would look at couples like that with a little disdain.

Then... I started paying closer attention, and noticed something...

Every once in a while, you encounter these couples that actually like each other.

You see this joy that they have when they're together.

That... is what I have always wanted to have.

Honestly... Lisa and I were joking around... "we... have become that couple..."

Monday, November 15, 2010

Meet the family...

So... I met Lisa's kids this past weekend. Not all of them... just 2 of them, the third was away at college.

Under ordinary circumstances, you would expect everyone to be dressed in their best clothes... but no... that's not how it was.

Lisa was definitely running behind schedule. She has a thousand things still to do when I got there. Her first words to me were...

"This is my life... still interested?"

I laughed, primarily because it was real.

I like real.

The tables will be turned soon. She'll come to my world with her family and have the chance to meet my kids.

It's cool when you can meet someone and not have to worry about pretending to be perfect.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Kissing is good

First... the dance recital went well... and the meeting of her kids went well.

I'm in.

Now... problem.

Kissing is good.

But... kissing can and does lead to other things.

And... the other things have a chance to really destroy a relationship, especially if you're dating someone who was married for 20 years... has only been with their husband during that time... well, crossing certain lines can cause an internal conflict and struggling.

So... the object is to keep kissing... just kissing...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Worlds collide...

So... tomorrow night... or maybe I should say later on tonight I am suppose to meet Lisa's children.

It's 1:15am..., well... 1:16am now and I can't sleep.

It's not because I'm nervous or anxious. I took a LONG nap earlier and if you're a notorious under sleeper like I am, it makes for a LONG night.

Anyway... back to the important stuff...

Lisa and I have been dating for a month now. We're doing well... I see her once a week for a few hours. This is going to be the first "multiple day" event. We'll be spending time together on Friday and Saturday.

Meeting her family is big. This is the first time that I've dated someone that I've actually wanted to do life with. The next big event is going to be Thanksgiving when both of our families meet - my 3 children and hers...

It's pretty cool... for the first time, I'm not really wrestling with anything. It's like all the lessons that I've learned over time and the things that I've fought over are clicking. It feels good.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Love is...

Love is friendship caught on fire - Bruce Lee

Love hurts...

I have heard it before... Love Hurts.

I am not sure that I actually believe this. I have met some people that are in co-dependent relationships where love hurts... but really, love doesn't hurt.

Love can be tough, but even in the toughness it doesn't leave you beaten up or worn.

I remember when Dad was ill and Mom was having to deal with changes in a man that had literally been a rock for years... to see him in moments of weakness and in fear.

It might have been frightening, a little unnerving, but not painful.

That's the thing about healthy relationships. They have a way of making you stronger in the good times and help define your character and resolve in the tough times.

I think that's why it bothers me when I see people that are in one sided relationships... they express their love to the other person who treats it with such a cavalier attitude that the person that is trying to express their feelings changes... for the worse. They begin to doubt themselves, second guess themselves and really begin to question their own self worth.

Yeah... love doesn't work that way. Real love has a way of helping you find your strength.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

What happened to intimacy?

Somewhere along the way, people confused sex with intimacy. Intimacy is a lot more about emotional nakedness than the physical act.

I was in a very public place Saturday with Lisa - we were sitting at a table talking when I decided to take a brief moment to be emotionally transparent. I was talking with her about the death of my Dad and in the middle of the plaza, I started to cry.

Yes... I said it... I cried.

Anyway, she scooted her chair close to mine, put her arm around me and said... "It's okay... no one is paying attention..."

It was sweet.

It's really good.

Being in a relationship where there can be emotional transparency it's a good thing. A very good thing...

Monday, November 08, 2010


I have always had this idea that my life would have an evangelistic element to it. That I would be out somewhere and organically a conversation would start and the other person and I would start talking about God.
Not in the - if you don't believe, you're going straight to hell - kind of way, but in this way that would transform their life into a life where they understand the peace of God and not the tradition of men.
When Lisa (formerly known as New Chi Chi) and I go out together, I randomly start conversations with people... we kind of connect for that moment, then we wander off and continue our day.
In our conversation yesterday Lisa started talking about how she could see that element in my life - without telling her about my hopes and dreams she saw it. She spoke life into that dream of mine that had been forgotten years ago.
After our conversation we took the opportunity to pray. It's a powerful thing when someone sincerely prays for you from the depths of their heart...
I am excited about what is coming next...

Friday, November 05, 2010

You're Fired

I have never really watched The Apprentice, but we're all familiar with "The Donald" saying "You're Fired."

I've been silently firing "friends" all morning.

For those of you that have been reading my blog for a long time, you know that I am dedicated to the management of my own life.

I don't know, it could be because I'm a control freak and the one thing that I know is that I can control my own life...

Anyway, I'm 41 years old... at this stage in life, I have a lot of control over who I interact with. It's time I start exercising some of that control.

I'm not here to air anyones dirty laundry... just making a statement.

More to follow.


Accountability for me begins with me.

In order for there to be accountability there has to be a way to track the changes and a way to tack changes and to measure those changes that have been made.

That's why I blog. It keeps me accountable to me.

I try to write about things that are honest and true, it chronicles my growth as a person in hopes that I don't make the same mistakes over and over again.

I have to admit, even though I do blog, and even though I am honest, there are some actions that I choose to leave out of my blog. In retrospect, those are some of the areas that I have honestly gone back and made the same mistake again. Although there's a level of anonymity with this, it is the web and things can be found... if you really try hard... I mean, really... I leave clues everywhere even in the name of the blog, right?

I'm not saying that I do things that are illegal or immoral, it's just bad decisions.

Anyway, I realized yesterday that I need to start divorcing some friends of mine. They aren't healthy at all. As long as I continue to have them in my life, I will continue to be effected by their inability to grow.

I'll have to blog about that...next.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Long distance dating

One of the things that I think may have been a detriment to relationships that I've been in has been spending too much time together.

In modern dating there is this sense that you need to spend as much time together as possible. It's as if an insecurity exists if you aren't at each others house daily...

Evenings together turn into nights together turn into living together within weeks!

That's way too fast.

Chinks in the armor that would be acceptable if you had a normal life... and independent life become exposed due to over exposure.

That is one of the reasons that I think there's good that Lisa is in Atlanta and I am here. There's distance. Instead of doing long protracted conversations for hours upon hours, we talk... naturally. If the conversation is going well, we let it flow longer. It's never forced... it's never contrived.

So... she's there, I'm here... we're building this naturally... I miss her... can't wait to see her again.


One of the great things about being single is the whole concept that my time is MY time. There are no people that have a claim on it. I can wake up when I want to, be in the office when I want to be (within a few hours either way, as long as my work gets done), I eat when I'm hungry...

It's nice to have that kind of freedom.

What I've been feeling lately is the necessity to get control of my time. Apply discipline.

There are things that I need to do...
  • study for certifications
  • Bible study
  • prayer
  • exercise
  • play guitar
Blah blah blah... the list goes on and on and on...

It's going to be hard...

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

A poem...

I wanted to write a poem to tell you how I feel...
Emotions, you can't see them - but they're truly real.
Although they don't have a color - like red or green or blue,
Each unique emotion has it's own particular hue.
So when I see the lines drawn by life's twists and turns
And carefully choose a color to show the beauty of patterns
For you? I color love, caring and devotion
Burnt orange for you, purple for me swirling like water in an ocean.
And I really dig what you bring to the mix
The way you laugh and touch my hand... it's real, there are no tricks,
So let's work together to properly fill our canvas
I'm looking forward to the process... even in the blandness,
Good times, happy times, sad times too
I'm just glad I'm doing it with you.
- An original... by me.

I was right!!!

I have broken up with people in the past over things that most would say are silly little things. I've always disagreed and held on to my vision. I was reading an article bu Dr. Terri Orbuch, aka "The Love Doctor." She is a professor, relationship therapist and author and wrote an article called
4 Relationship Myths That Almost Everyone Perpetuates
Here they are:
1) Myth: Opposites attract and are more likely to stay interesting to one another over the long haul.
Fact: My research and that of others show that similarities are what actually keep people together for the long term and lead to the most successful, happy relationships. In my study, happy couples might have very different tastes in music, different social backgrounds, or even different religious, but the key aspect they shared was similar basic life values. This is the similarity that counts.

The take-away: If you want to find someone to grow old with, look for someone who has values that are compatible with yours.
In my life: There are many people I could have been happy with, but I couldn't compromise on the basic life values. I have had to learn to accept the fact that people are people and unless theres a real epipany, life approach does not change. Myth... confirmed!
2) Myth: A perfect relationship means no conflict.

Fact: A lack of conflict in a relationship signals that you may not be dealing with issues that really matter. In a surprising finding from my long-term study of marriage, the couples who reported no tensions or differences about money, family, spouse's family, leisure time, religious beliefs, or children were not very happy over time.

The take away: Don't shy away from difficult conversations. Learning how to disagree in a healthy, productive manner is a key component of happy relationships.
In my life: There was a lack of conflict in my marriage I believe it was because neither of us cared really... if there were conflict and passion, I think we would have truly lasted a lifetime. Myth confirmed!
3) Myth: Having separate lives keeps couples together long term.

Fact: Interdependence -- social, emotional, and financial -- is what creates the incentive for couples to stay together. It's also important to be independent, to have your own interests, activities, and friends. This adds excitement and freshness to relationships. But couples who live parallel lives and don't invite their spouse into their world on a regular basis tend to grow apart and be unhappy over the long term.
The take-away: Couples who work on acquiring common interests as the years go by are much happier than those in which each partner gets increasingly involved in a separate set of activities.
In my life: I always believed in having friends, hobbies, etc. If the other person doesn't know what they like to do, then they will become insecure and jealous of the time you spend away. Abscence makes the heart grow fonder. Making new experiences allows for new conversations too! Myth... confirmed!
4) Myth: To be happy, you need to talk about relationship challenges and problems often.

Fact: In order for intimacy to occur in a relationship, both partners need to share and disclose concerns from time to time. But be careful about how much time you spend on conscious relationship maintenance, because men and women have very different tolerances for "relationship talk." Women, as a rule, have a positive association with relationship talk; it makes them feel connected and happy. Men, on the other hand, do not enjoy relationship talk; it makes them feel blamed, worried, and distressed.
The take-away: Women, carefully pick those moments when you feel it's necessary to talk about your relationship feelings. Men, realize that her need to clarify and check in feels reassuring to her, even if it doesn't to you.
In my life: I believe this to be true. Good relationships don't happen accidently. They are built one conversation at a time. Myth... Confirmed!

Monday, November 01, 2010

Test taking...

So... I have actually given myself the goal of getting 3 certifications this year to help solidify myself in my career. I guess all the work I've done over the years and all the projects I've successfully implemented mean nothing... I have to get 3rd party validation.


I actually started studying for the first test about a month ago and really haven't stuck with the study plan.

I need to buckle down and do it. So... right here in my blog, I'm holding myself accountable to testing for Security+ by the mid-January.

This is an aggressive timeline, but I'm leading a Project Management study group in January so I can get my PMP.


I have been really lax with how I've been spending my time as a single guy... so, it's time to prepare. I guess this time management is going to be necessary for the next phase of my life!