I have always had this idea that my life would have an evangelistic element to it. That I would be out somewhere and organically a conversation would start and the other person and I would start talking about God.
Not in the - if you don't believe, you're going straight to hell - kind of way, but in this way that would transform their life into a life where they understand the peace of God and not the tradition of men.
When Lisa (formerly known as New Chi Chi) and I go out together, I randomly start conversations with people... we kind of connect for that moment, then we wander off and continue our day.
In our conversation yesterday Lisa started talking about how she could see that element in my life - without telling her about my hopes and dreams she saw it. She spoke life into that dream of mine that had been forgotten years ago.
After our conversation we took the opportunity to pray. It's a powerful thing when someone sincerely prays for you from the depths of their heart...
I am excited about what is coming next...
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