- What do you like about me?
- What would you get my for Christmas/Birthday
These are important questions for a few reasons. The first question is important because you want to know if the person is interested in you, or your attributes. If they say "you're kind, you have a nice smile, the way you approach problems" - those are all attributes. The guy sitting next to you could have those same attributes, so the question truly is... what is it specifically about me?
The second question is important as well. It speaks to whether or not they know you. If their gifts are designed to changes who you are.. then they probably don't like you for who you are and they want to see some minor modifications. If it's generic... again, do they really know anything about you? If it's something that speaks into what you like to do or an interest of yours... then you have a keeper.
So, what's with the picture of money? It took me back to a memory.
My ex-wife use to give me cash for a present. Usually about $100.
The thing is... she was a stay at home Mom at the time. She wasn't bringing income into the household... so where was the money coming from? Me?
Just a few thoughts...
Oh... what did I buy Lisa for Christmas? An IginuiTEA tea infuser and a sampler of several loose tea blend. Lisa LOVES tea. Has several coups a day...
What did she get me? Well aside from a Macaroni Christmas tree ornament that she made, she picked out 2 sweaters that I mentioned I liked when we went shopping on our 2nd date. One of them has become my absolute favorites getting warn 3-4 times/week. The other is a good weekend sweater.
Nice... eh?
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