"Welcome to the real word, she said to me... condescendingly...
Take a seat... take your life... plot it out in black and white..." John Mayer
I just realized that I'm getting married in June. We've gone from making the statement "I'm going to marry you one day" to actually knowing what the date is. A ring has been placed on the finger... reservations have been made for the honeymoon and now? We're looking at wedding venues.
June is coming up quickly... very quickly... and there's a lot to do.
We have made reservations for the honeymoon already. Now we're looking at venues... And I'm looking at my bank account!!! (I know that's a terrible thing to say, but I'm still in recovery from the divorce. I'm 2 years from being debt free... but still have a lot of funds allocated with limited disposable income.)
So... I'm walking the tightrope of wanting her to have the day that she deserves couples with what I can logically help her accomplish.
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