So... we're 17 days away from the wedding. I can honestly say that time is c.r.a.w.l.i.n.g. by. It's moving slowly.
So... what's on my mind? Well, honestly, the wedding. There are some things that absolutely need to be done. We have figured out what I'm going to wear. FINALLY. We've figured out what the boys are going to wear... my 3... her 1...
I'm not going to wear a suit. I'm wearing a linen shirt and linen pants. White and tan. The boys are going to be in black shirts tan pants. It should be a nice contrast for the wedding.
Honestly, I'm looking forward to getting away for the week. Since 1992 I'm not sure that I've ever taken more than a 4 days... and those usually were around a weekend. I think the longest trip that I ever took was to Bermuda. Other than that, it was just a weekend away here or there.
I'm looking forward to taking my first week long trip. We're going on our honeymoon to an undisclosed location in the mountains.
Anyway.... more to come...
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