I was at Walmart this morning picking up breakfast foods. I realized that people that work retail completely tune out - especially during the Christmas season. I like to go early because the store is empty. I tried to be cordial to the greeter and the cashier. At one point, I just started saying random things because any reply they made was definitely not based on the words that were not coming out of my mouth...
Not everyone has good coping skills. I use to wonder why so many people in my life have problems/issues. Last night, I realized that almost EVERYONE has problems. For some strange reason, people feel comfortable enough with me to actually share their problems in a way that they don't with other people.
I did a survey of a lot of people over the Thanksgiving holiday. I met some new people, talked with some people that I've known for a while. People say the same thing: 1) I feel like you have certain expectations of people in your life and that you like things just so. 2) It doesn't/didn't seem like you know how to have fun. 3) You seem indifferent about life. 4) You seem like you've done so much - why would you want me as a friend? 5) You tend to over think things. All I have to say about that is... whoa... I wonder why that is?
Well... that's enough for the day. Gotta shower.
Take care peoples!