Friday, September 30, 2011
Good Bye
When I was going through my divorce this really helped me figure out who I was. It helped me stay settled.
When I was dating, it prevented me from making bad mistakes.
Now that I'm happily married, to an incredible woman that gets me... blogging here just doesn't feel the same.
So... 6 years and over 500 posts later... it's time to move on to the next part of my life.
Take care!
I hate taking pills
Without water.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
It took me a minute to figure out what this was... a common cold! I haven't had one in almost 12 years. Seriously.
L suggested that I get some Afrin since I despise taking pills. Afrin is a mist that you spray in your nose that's suppose to help with congestion.
I only have one question... If I can't breath, how can I get it in my nose???
Sidelined by the common cold
Monday, September 26, 2011
Love and marriage
Marriage is an interesting thing. I mean, it's one thing to meet someone (finally), marry them, grow in love until one of you dies or worse, a divorce happens. (Note: in my opinion, it's far worse to be divorced than to have a spouse die... if you want to know why I say that... drop me a comment and I'll do my best to explain the rationale)
So, in my current situation - I have 1 divorce, and she has 1 dead spouse - and between the two of us, we have 6 kids (we each have 3).
The difficult thing with Love and Marriage in this situation is that 2 people have fallen in love, but there are 6 other people that this is thrust upon. Blending and making everyone feel included can be taxing. After all... if 7 people are good and 1 person acts a little nuts... it can make the whole house of cards... shaky.
L has a daughter like that. Everyone can live in peace except this one person. It has nothing to do with whether I'm there or not. She isolates and attempts to reign in terror.
The questions is... how do you show love to someone that you would rather walk away from when they enter the room? She is after all... only a teenager.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
100 days of marriage
The interesting thing about marriage is that there are no money back guarantees... so you better choose right.
L and I are getting closer every day. I cannot imagine what life was like before her. We still have open and honest communication, we hold each other accountable, and really enjoy each other.
Happy 100 days, babe!
Trying something new
I always promised myself that I would use my Galaxy Tab as a productivity tool and not as a toy to only play games, listen to music, or watch video. The only game that I have loaded on it is chess.
I do use it, to catch up on the news, check e-mail, social networking (twitter AND facebook), and of course for taking pictures.
Lately, I've decided to go a little further. Today, I downloaded Workout Trainier. It's an app that will work you through various workouts with a virtual coach.
I'm trying to make my life so there is no excuse. Remove all hinderances... Move forward!
I'll do it... tomorrow
Earlier this week, I found an organizer for my Samsung Galaxy Tab called "Do It Tomorrow". This to-do list has 2 pages... today and tomorrow. You put things on your list and you have the option of moving it to tomorrow. If you don't get it done, it will automatically move the task to the next day! An excellent app for procrastinators! HOORAY!
I've tried it out for a week, and true to form, I got about 30% of the items that I put on the list done. It worked like a charm! But... as I read on twitter:
Your desires w/o a date aren't goals, they're whims! Put a date to ur dreams and make them doable goals & a reality! - Don Brawley
So... I found this new app called "myLifeOrganized" or MLO as avid fans call it.
WOW, this is a powerful tool. You can set up projects, give yourself deadlines, set up recurring tasks... I spent an hour prioritizing what needed to be done in my life with due dates.
I could also tell what really wasn't important in my life because I didn't put dates by them... so I guess those aren't really hard and fast goals... are they.
Anyway... if you get a chance, check it out:
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Current Struggles
- eating a greasy bacon double cheeseburger
- warm cake
- apple pie and ice cream
- steaming hot brownies
Monday, August 29, 2011
Role Models
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Live and learn...
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
A familiar feeling...
Day 2 of working out...
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Day 1... finished...
Monday, August 01, 2011
The First Day...
Monday, July 25, 2011
What do you dare???
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
On small step for man...
Friday, June 24, 2011
Yeah... not so much...
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
catching up...
Why is it so important that she match my personality? Why can't we match each others personality?
That, my friend, is a good question...
My personality can be a little... obnoxious. I admit it.
I like open and honest communication. Even if it makes me uncomfortable. I really want to know what's going on inside your head.
I don't like leaving things unresolved.
I obsess over problems or open action items.
More later... just wanted to bring the countdown to closure...
Thursday, June 02, 2011
8 Days...
- Are you nervous?
- Are you excited?
Friday, May 27, 2011
Same shirt
I call it the "same shirt" because I purchased it when I was 285 pounds with the intent of being able to fit in it one day.
Today it represents an unfinished job.
I can button the "same shirt" but the job isn't done yet. I don't have a flat stomach. I still have a little "dunlop" where although my stomach hasn't "done lopped" over my belt... It still protrudes further than it needs to.
I need to finish the job... I need to lose another 30 pounds... at a minimum.
So... today, I'm 225... back to where I stopped the first time...
Now, it's time to finish the job!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
True Love Waits
To some degree, I think we have cheapened sexuality by exploiting it when we see someone that we're attracted to or just for the sake of horniness.
My fiancée and I have both been married. My marriage ended in divorce and hers ended with the death of her husband. So we both have had sex in the confines of a marriage.
The hardest thing for us was not going "there" while we were dating.
So... she wears 2 rings. An engagement ring... and a promise ring.
15 days... and the promise is fulfilled.
The countdown says...
So... how do I feel about this?
That's a good questions.
I feel good.
I mean, the first time I got married out of obligation. I married this woman that I barely knew that I knocked up when I was in college. For 15 years we had a really weird relationship based upon the fact that we had a family together and really not much else in common.
To some degree, she resented me for her predicament, and if I had to be totally honest - I probably held some resentment too.
The result of all of this was that I truly became gun shy and I never thought that I would marry again. I set my expectations very high and I was ready to end things at the drop of a hat.
I always believed that I would settle down if I found that one person that got relationship the way that I did, but when it comes to dating, I was pretty sure that my viewpoint was definitely not the norm.
I mean... open and honest communication. Who does that? Everyone basically lives in some weird sort of shame...
Trust? Everyone has been done wrong a million times, so trust is hard earned.
Faith in God? That impacts the way you live your life??? Mostly in word only, never in deed or action.
That's where I set my bar.
I also thought that I could teach someone these things... thus the 2 year plan. Learn my system...
But you can't teach someone how to be something that they naturally are... so I changed my tact. I started looking for people that naturally possessed these qualities.
Well... I found her.
In 15 days we'll be married.
And in my mind... that's the way it should have been since the beginning.... so, I'm at peace.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Going Commando!!!
- 30 minutes on the treadmill
- 30 minutes on the bike
- 30 minutes on the elliptical
17 Days...
So... what's on my mind? Well, honestly, the wedding. There are some things that absolutely need to be done. We have figured out what I'm going to wear. FINALLY. We've figured out what the boys are going to wear... my 3... her 1...
I'm not going to wear a suit. I'm wearing a linen shirt and linen pants. White and tan. The boys are going to be in black shirts tan pants. It should be a nice contrast for the wedding.
Honestly, I'm looking forward to getting away for the week. Since 1992 I'm not sure that I've ever taken more than a 4 days... and those usually were around a weekend. I think the longest trip that I ever took was to Bermuda. Other than that, it was just a weekend away here or there.
I'm looking forward to taking my first week long trip. We're going on our honeymoon to an undisclosed location in the mountains.
Anyway.... more to come...
24 Days and counting
Well, my friend, you're probably wondering what I'm wondering... "what are liquid aminos?"
It's a soy sauce that vegetarians use in order to add flavor to things like tempeh...
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
25 Days and Counting...
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Back on target
Thursday, April 28, 2011
- through her eyes
- through his eyes
- through the eyes of others
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
4 Month Checkup
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
rental Wedding Cakes?
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Family Dynamics
Thursday, March 31, 2011
The thing about life...
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Task Oriented Christianity
A lot of times, Christians view themselves as these servants. Servants that are dispatched to do certain tasks and the only vested interest that they have in that task is getting it over as quickly as possible because it's too much like work. Examples of this are:
- going to church on a weekly basis
- serving once a week in the nursery or with the greeters or some other ministry
- contributing to an offering
- showing up early to set up for a program
Now you are no longer servants, but God's own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir. (Gal 4:7)
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Unbalanced load
I am a big fan of balance... But sometimes in the course of human events, things become unbalanced. For me, it's usually happens in an area of my life where I am trying to be intentional.
I have gained 15 pounds since the beginning of the year. My time management sucks. The areas that I wanted to key in on are in shambles.
So... True to my blog, I have to write about the mundane things to keep me in check.
Starting tomorrow.

Thursday, March 17, 2011
Work isn't personal...
By nature, I am a non confrontational person. I go to work to accomplish a task. The things that frustrate me most are when there's no clear vision, people don't value my opinion, when things are done randomly with no sense of order and when there's no communication.
If you put all of those things together, the likelihood of me actually wanting to perform at my best is somewhat diminished. I will do the bare minimum to reduce MY OWN frustration levels.
I love it when I'm in charge of a team. When you give me the reigns, I will do my research from the people that know infinitely more than me... set a vision, and hold people to that vision and time table. I make sure everyone is engaged and every team member knows the direction that we're heading.
Anyway... that's my rant for today.
Just had to get that off my chest.
Now... I feel much better.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Guarding your heart...
Going Viral
Monday, March 14, 2011
Romance 101
If you ask a hundred people this question, you will get 100 different answers. So... I decided my best chance at understnding the true meaning behind this elusive "thing" called romance was to look it up in the dictionary.
First, "romance" can be used as an adjective, noun, verb.
As an adjective, "romance" means: of, relating to, or being any of the languages developed from Latin (as Italian, French, and Spanish).
So... when she says she wants a little "romance" I can say in my best Rico Suave voice... "tienes un sonrisa que llena mi vida de allegria..."
As a noun, "romance" means:
a (1) : a medieval tale based on legend, chivalric love and adventure, or the supernatural (2) : a prose narrative treating imaginary characters involved in events remote in time or place and usually heroic, adventurous, or mysterious(3) : a love story especially in the form of a novelb : a class of such literature
So... I can read a book to her...
2: something (as an extravagant story or account) that lacks basis in fact
I can tell a lie...
3: an emotional attraction or aura belonging to an especially heroic era, adventure, or activity
We can dress up in Medeival clothing?
4: love affair
I had to look this one up... it means: a lively enthusiasm
So... when she says "romance" I can tell her about my fascination with my Android Galaxy Tab! Awesome!
5capitalized : the Romance languages
So... when she says she wants "Romance" - she really wants to learn Latin, Italian or Spanish???
As a verb, romance can either be intransitive or transitive... whatever that means...
intransitive verb
1: to exaggerate or invent detail or incident
She wants me to tell her that her eyes are as blue as the ocean and her hair as golden as amber waves of grain?
2: to entertain romantic thoughts or ideas
She really just wants me to think about all the things that I've written here so far...
transitive verb
1: to try to influence or curry favor with especially by lavishing personal attention, gifts, or flattery
Maybe... just maybe... she wants me to buy her something... FINALLY something I know I can do!
So... maybe that''s where guys have gone wrong all these years... when a woman says she wants romance... she really just wants us to buy her something... I'm on my way to the store now to get buy my sweetie a #2 Pencil... I hope she likes it!
Monday, March 07, 2011
How close can you get???
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Last year I did Nutrisystem, I lost about 10 pounds using that system. Later on, I moved to Healthy Choices because they were convenient, cost less... BUT... I always ended up hungry which led to episodes of binge eating.
In a stroke of brilliance, I decided to start cooking.
Cooking is interesting... and fun.
Cooking is definitely loer in sodium, and you can get more and more full because you get free items, like vegetables. Foods are also higher in water content that help you feel full.
It may take extra time to actually do the food preparation, but it tastes better and it's more satisfying. I don't think it's more expensive in the long run either.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
What am I thinking...
Trouble in paradise...
So... our youngest son wanted to get into a private state run school program, He found out yesterday that he didn't get into the program. I decided that I needed to call him and have a conversation with him about how to handle disappointment. We talked a little about times that I've wanted jobs and didn't get them...
Anyway, I called last night to talk with him and X's future x answered the phone. (Okay... so maybe calling him her future x was bad...) The phone rang a little too long, The "live in guy" answers the phone... in a gruff way. Of course I politely say "May I speak with 'the youngest son'?"
He gives X the phone... instead of 'the youngest son'... who says multiple times:
"When you drop off the son, drop him off in the street and not in the driveway."
Now... I'm at a loss... I'm trying to work through an issue with OUR son, and this is her topic of conversation?
Well... while I was talking to 'the youngest son', I could hear X and x arguing in the background...
You know... sometimes people ask me about my 1st marriage and if I would go back... if there are things that I would change or have done differently... in the grand scheme of things I think I realize that some people get what's important... and some people don't. And that will never change.
At first, I felt a little smug hearing them in the background... then I felt sad. I may not have feelings for her, but I don't like it when anyone is in a relationship where there's control and fear.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Love is like a 3 layer cake...
- What are those layers
- What holds them together
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
A novel idea...
I mean... really, a lot of times we think about love when it comes to romance, special occasions, Valentines day... but other than that, it really becomes a cliche. It becomes as common place as saying Hello or Good Bye.
But... what if love wasn't an afterthought?
What if love... was an intentional action that governs the way that two people interact with each other?
What would that look like?
I can tell you that it would probably be difficult, because you have to sometimes not act in a selfish way... you have to compromise... you have to sacrifice...
That's the thought for today... don't make love an afterthought.
Scripture Of The Day: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." - John 13:34 (NIV)
Friday, February 18, 2011
Last Of The Wedding Talk
Thursday, February 17, 2011
And the countdown begins...
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Letting go...
Lately, that's exactly what I've been doing. Slowly letting people go. Deleting them from my phone... Facebook account, old e-mails... I am doing the purge.
I am finding that for some people, it's easier... they help remind me why I need to excise them from my life... I can't stand their negativity. Others, it was just about equity... I was always more invested in keeping the friendship than they were.
Either way... letting go can be good sometimes.