Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Sleep Cycles

My sleep cycles are off... again.

I can accept the fact that I only sleep 5 hours a night. That's not a problem. Under ordinary circumstances I actually like it. It lets me get a lot done.. I'm learning to make the most of my time.

My current problem is that I have been falling asleep at 9pm which means... I wake up at 2am. So by the time afternoon at work rolls around, I've been up for nearly 12 hours and I'm not at my sharpest.


On the other side of the coin... a few positives...

I have been reading more. I have managed to regain my love for reading. The Kindle and Kindle readers are great. I don't have to worry about losing book marks or anything like that. It's just... there. NICE.

I am also eating healthy. I have found a way to get my sodium under 1500mg/day. I'm pretty excited about that!

Now... if only I could fall asleep closer to 11pm... yaaaaaaaaawn...


Genuine1208 said...

Well, my sleep patterns have been messed up for a year now. Working nights every other week and swapping back over to days...That makes my sleep irregular, to say the least. So, I can feel your pain. I probably should do something more productive with my awake time, but I stay so drained from my work weeks that I am physically exhausted...I hope you can find a balance soon. :-)

Anonymous said...

I am about the same, D, except I go to bed even earlier than you and wake up around midnight, then doing crossword puzzles (hard ones!) and reading good books. Then I try to go back to sleep for an hour or so, which usually happens, but not much more than that. One of these years I might get some decent sleep!

Empathy there. Brain energy badly needed when its needed.