There are many different approaches to relationships.
There's the dynastic approach where you enter into a relationship in order to improve your social standing. When I think dynastic approach, I think about Bill and Hillary Clinton.
There's also the romantic approach - where you enter into a relationship based upon how you feel at the moment. When I think of the romantic approach, I think about short lived Hollywood marriages.
So what makes a relationship last?
I think it's selflessness... when both people are willing to serve the other person. When both people are willing to call the other person out on the crap in their lives... When you're willing to help push the other person to their ultimate potential.
That's what I'm looking for... someone that is confident enough to be who they are ... and confident enough to let me be me.
Someone with a vision for the future - that is willing to mesh their vision with mine.
I want that kind of powerful love.
Is it out there in our society?
I don't know... but I'm willing to keep searching.
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