(Thanks to Donzie for letting me steal this image from her blog - it's a friends only blog... and you need Yahoo!360, but well worth the read)
There are some people who live charmed lives. They never have any issues. However, it's more likely that we ALL have issues. Some of us choose to write about our struggles and what we're going through.
So, let me share a reality check.
Everyone has issues.
When I look at the number of celebrities that are drinking and driving... issues.
The number of celebrities in rehab... issues.
Even the celebtrities that have attempted or committed suicide... issues.
Maybe they should take up blogging.
So... when I write, struggle, wrestle... whatever... it's not that I'm looking for you to pity me. It's not a pity party... It's me trying to work out issues.
I am not the same person I was 12 months ago... I have friends that I've talked with over the years that tell me that they can see my growth as a person. Part of that is due to the fact that I wrestle.
When I put things out there, I am simply working through and trying to leave a road map for myself in case I ever lose my way.
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