Laughter is cheap and easy because it can be done without truly having to emotionally invest. Laughter doesn't require you to be happy or full of joy to experience it. It's really kind of this throw away thing that you can do - to make people think all is well in your world.
Laughing works when you want to convey the fact that you're nervous, uncomfortable, contentment... a whole range of "notions" that makes people think that you're emotionally balanced - when in fact? You're numb.
In all honesty, in order to be truly emotionally balanced it requires investment and risk. You have to be willing to invest yourself in a situation... in a moment... with a person...
Why am I talking about this? I went to see a play yesterday. “Dog Sees God. Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead.” This play is a spoof of Peanuts where Snoopy is put to sleep after contracting rabies and killing Woodstock. It’s all about CB’s quest for meaning after this event.
DSG is a 2 act play. The first act is really very funny. Laugh out loud funny. Act 2 is really dark and serious and emotionally touching. When did I get to a point where I couldn’t invest in a moment in a dark theatre full of anonymous strangers?
My 1 year goal… to become emotionally honest. Embrace the risk of feeling.
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