Thursday, March 06, 2008

My thoughts on interracial dating.

I remember when this picture was taken. It was shortly after my ex-wife and I filed for divorce. I remember it like it was yesterday, but it was several years ago. Before I came to my senses and decided not to date.
Now, that I've been thinking about dating I have been trying to decide what it is exactly that I'm looking for... what my motives are... why...
I've decided that if I date again, it's going to be an interracial relationship.
Now, there are a lot of reasons why people enter into interracial relationships. Some do it because they were harmed by people in their own race when they were younger, and they wish to venture into something taboo, exotic or different.
I like to think that my reasons are slightly more pure.
Most people's notion of beauty is based upon what they grew up around. Like I said before, I grew up in a place that was 49% Irish Catholic, 49% Italian Catholic. My notion of beauty is really based upon what I grew up seeing on a daily basis.
It's not that I don't find women of color to be attractive. I do. It's just not as... comfortable for me. I would be comfortable dating a woman of color that grew up similarly to the way that I did.
It's not that I'm closed minded, I would entertain conversations with anyone... but you have to have a preference. And... this is mine.

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