Friday, April 18, 2008

Startling revelation #13

Yesterday I realized something... in 11 years I am going to be 50 years old.

Now, I don't consider 50 to be old, but the thought that I would have seen half a century really brought things into stark relief.

I immediately began to do a life inventory... do I have good friends, what have I accomplished, what will my legacy be...

Then my thoughts slightly changed... what do I want to do? What are my 10 year goals? Are the selfish? Do the involve others? What do I want to do?

I haven't really decided, but what I do know is that I'm going to spend the next year preparing because I want to make the most out of the next decade.

I want to lose the extra weight that I carry - I know that's a fact.

I want to write another CD - this one, from my heart.

I want to continue to look at life the way that I do - with wide eyed wonderment.

I want to make an impact on peoples lives. I want to go into the inner city and inspire hope. I want to spend more time with people on the fringe of society to let them know that they are cared for by more than just the people in their small community - whether that be the community of the homeless or the punk rock kids that hang out just because it's cool to stand there and look cool.

There are friends from my past that I want to reconnect with.

And... there's one selfish goal... I want to fall in love. Deeply. Madly. Passionately. For the first time in my life I want to be in a healthy, loving relationship.

Okay... there's nothing that I can do about that last one... it takes 2 people and I'm not going to settle. But a guy can dream.

Well folks... I have a lot to prepare for in a year. Will you help keep me honest?


G said...

That's a great list of goals. "Another" CD? There's a first? Do you have a myspace space? :)

Life... is for the living... said...

There was a first CD... It was a limited release. If you'r intersted,
I can send it to you.

If you want to hear some of my music - you can hear it on 2 different sites: