Friday, April 04, 2008

Putting a nice bow on things...

It's weird... this picture looks like I photo shopped myself onto this background. I guess it's the weird effects of having natural back light.
One thing I can assure you is that the smile is genuine and not photo shopped.
I guess I've done a pretty good job of explaining who I am. I've also done some growing in the process. That makes me feel good.
Many of you know that I've been on sabbatical since January helping my Dad with some health issues and trying to provide some relief to my Mom. That comes to an end next week when Dad comes home! I'm really excited and looking forward to spending a couple days with Mom and Dad without having to worry about nurses and doctors coming in every 15 1/2 minutes.
Of course, this also means that I have to start the whole job hunting process again... The good news is that I have an interview coming up that I'm preparing for. It's kind of like a dream position for me that leverages what I've been doing in the IT industry for a while.
So... let's take a tally and see what's outstanding...
Mom/Dad taken care of? Check.
Made peace with my past? Check.
Comfortable with who I am? Check.
Friends firmly in place? Check.
Relationship with my sons? Check.
Relationship with my ex? Well... relationships are a two way street.
Gainfully employed again? Working on it.
What's missing?
Someone to share my life with... I've mentioned before that I think I'm ready to date.
So next? I think I'll talk about my thoughts on what I'm looking for in a relationship...
Any feedback on that topic would be appreciated. The one thing I know is that the dating world has changed since the last time I was in the market.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The dating world may have changed somewhat.... but the basics remain the same in all their joy and heartbreak.

I wish you great things in your relationship when it comes to you. :)