The anticipation was intense, the kiss was magical. It wasn't one of those lustful super passionate kisses.
It was the right mixture of tentative, mixed with a dash genuine intimacy and a sprinkle of fireworks. If you were to ask her, she would agree.
And of course, I think I vented here when I said she took a left hand off the bridge firmly holding my heart when she decided that she needed to pursue her ex-boyfriend.
During that torturous time, I tried to say good-bye but she firmly had my heart in her hands.
Fast forward to now.
She is done with William. All done. Fini. It is finished.
The question is, do I go back and attempt to pursue her again...
do I risk it trying to get to know someone new.
There is a delightful lady that I have been spending some time with... but she's not Shanna.
She's more attractive, a little bit more relationally stable... but she doesn't get me the way that Shanna does. I don't get her the way that I get her the way that I understood Shanna. I'm not sure we can get there, but...
Is it worth it?
Do you go with the evil that you know?
My heart so completely rests in the balance, and I am lost on this one... seriously.
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