I did what many people have previously thought was impossible for me.
I met a woman, fell in love with her, eas emotionally open and honest, demonstrated that I loved and cared for her...
and SHE ran.
She pretty much decided that she wanted to try to work things out with her ex-boyfriend of 10 years. The one who doesn't take her out on dates... the one that does nothing with her... except make her miserable.
So... I said good-bye to her today...
after 3 months of chasing her...
after 3 months of hoping, wishing...
I'm not sad.
I mourned over her weeks ago, just needed to hear the words from her mouth.
It was rare. We really connected. And she is chasing a pipe dream.
C'est la vie.
Women LOOOOVE the ones that make us cry. What the fuck is up with that shit??
Well, I love you!!!
Heather and I JUST talked about this the other day. Is it the apathy that we like?...or is the fact that we think WE can be the ones to CHANGE the apathy?
We want to be THAT ONE for someone. When all we really need is to just sit around, chill the fuck out and be real.
Seriously, Dwane - you have to read this book. It's all about Christian apathy, haha! And, so far, it's worked miracles!
And, I, like Anna, love you too much for you to worry about some skank who's running in the other direction.
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