Friday, November 30, 2007
Getting to know me....

It's all better!!!

Many of you aren't going to believe me.
I think my heart is all better.
I am declaring that although my heart has been hard and broken, it's been protecting this really kind, sweet, sensitive caring heart.
That can't be hidden. The first time people meet me it shines through - the character of a really nice person. It's genuine.
(Of course, they also tell me that I'm too nice... but that I shouldn't change a thing)
I admit that I still have this huge wall (or should I say stoney exterior - to keep in theme with this picture) that I have around my true heart that I retreat to occassionally.
That's fine.
But I also open it up for people to let people in. Visiting hours are between 6:30 pm and 10:00 pm nightly... you just have to figure out which time zone... (Come on... you should know by now I have a wicked sense of humor)
Here's to being emotionally healthy.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Startling Revelation # 13

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Snow in Denver
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
A change of plans...
Monday, November 26, 2007
A word from our sponsors...
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
There is no harmony...

Social interaction...

Monday, November 19, 2007

The crunchy truth...

I just got off the phone with my Pastor. We talked for about an hour... it was a good conversation.
He wanted to understand about why our marriage fell apart... what the breakdown was.
Well... here's the crunchy truth.
We were not ready to be married... and probably should not have gotten married.
The truth is, I was trying to break up with you when you told me that you were expecting. The woman that I gave my virginity to was expecting. I asked you to marry me - you said yes... the problems began.
I frequently said that you "didn't like me" - the truth is, you had dreams. There were things that you wanted to accomplish. Things you wanted to prove to yourself that you put on hold in order to try to make family work with me.
I thank you for that. It means a lot that you would try to partner with me in life.
As for me? I always wondered in the back of my head what life may have been like if I married someone else... so maybe I looked at you with a slightly judgemental eye.
I always tried... always cared... always wanted the best for you.
We both made mistakes.
It hurts me because you never bothered to get to know me, especially when I know you so well. It hurts me that you still spit words at me with venom and anger. I always try to be kind. All I've ever asked is that you just listen... I still need your help with some things... just listen. Even if we couldn't work through things while we were married for the sake of the kids can't we try something new? Can't we try to communicate?
My next goal can't be reached without you... we need to cooperate, for the sake of our kids.
Sunday, November 18, 2007

I spent a lot of this time talking to MS and YD about chemistry this weekend.
It was a very enlightening conversation.
2 women... 2 vastly different opinions.
One believes in chemistry... that you can tell if you're interested in someone by a kiss or a touch.
The other... believes in attraction... attraction to qualities. The person typefies your ideal mental image of what your interested in... or they don't.
2 vastly different opinions, but the same result.
The decision is made immediately.
Now... this presents an interesting problem... for me. For those of you that know me.
Remembering how to fly

How can you???

Saturday, November 17, 2007
A dose of reality...

A long time ago I made myself a promise.
I will not lie to myself... ever.
So... while I was sitting here this evening, trying to figure out my life - and I came to a realization.
Regardless of what my words say, my head... and my heart are falling for you.
I understand that it is a losing proposition. I will never be able to change your mind and migrate from the role of friend. And that's a role that I'm content to fill.
In all honesty, from the beginning I knew that we would never be anything but friends, but I held out hope. Hope that by some miracle there would be some transcending miracle that would allow us to explore something more... but that's not the way that my life works.
So... since this is the Thanksgiving season, I am thankful that you're my friend.
Psychiatric help...

Snow globes and Knights Codes...

Friday, November 16, 2007
The naked truth

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sweet Inspiration...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Maybe I should try that...

My natural inclination is to think that there is something wrong with me...
If someone doesn't want to be my friend or if someone doesn't pick me for their project, give me the promotion or what ever - my basic first instinct is to think that there is something wrong with me.
I then get all kinds of moody and introspective even though it could have been something simple... legitimate.
Is it that I think so little of myself that I have to keep looking... poking... prodding myself to be something that I'm never going to be?
Let me get this out there now...
I am never going to be over 6 feet tall.
I am never going to be a white guy with great hair.
(Had to take a break there... admitting that almost sent me into a panic attack...)
I may never find a community where I fit in.
But there is one thing that I can work on and something that I should try...
Maybe... just maybe I should try to love myself...
Some day.
Emotional Honesty

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Br0k3n, bruIsed and damag3d

The last time...

True friends...

Welcome to the family...

Monday, November 12, 2007
At arms length

Standing alone...

Elementry school wasn't that bad.
I learned how to play guitar. I was writing songs.
I learned how to play chess. I was good.
I learned binary mathematics and determined that I wanted to be a computer scientist.
I was fluent in American Sign Language.
I was reading at a 12th grade level.
I knew that I was without limitation.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Isolated... at an early age...

Learning to be social...

A needle in a haystack

People talk about how difficult it is to find a needle in a haystack.
I've never looked for a needle in a haystack, but I've felt like a needle in a haystack.
Exactly how does a needle in a haystack feel?
Like everyone around it belongs and like you're this sharp and dangerous thing ready to do harm should an unsuspecting hand land on it.
I grew up in Rome, NY. Population 28,000. I used to say that the population was 49.9% Irish Catholic 49% Italian Catholic, 0.2% other, but in all honesty, that's not exactly true. It was more like 99.99% Irish, German, Polish, Italian... 0.01% other.
I could tell hundreds of stories about being on the outside in a society like that... but I don't want to bore you.
I will pick the ones that I think have shaped me the most.
I'll think about them on the flight and probably post this evening when I arrive in Denver.
Emergency incision!!!

Okay... I'm still in Birmingham. Flight doesn't leave for a few more hours, but I have to make this emergency incision. It's been on my mind all day... So I have to examine this.
I started going to kindergarden in Italy. Since our family "lived on the economy" (not on the air force base, but in the city with the native Italians) getting to and from school for a half day was something that needed to be planned.
The Air Force base used to send a station wagon (official, military blue variety) to pick up Jon W., Vicki H. and me.
I don't remember much about the trips except 2 incidents.
1) Jon, Vicki and I used to play "show me yours and I'll show you mine" on the long trips to and from school. Now, this in itself is actually pretty normal because all kids play the game. The only thing odd about the game was that I remember the driver watching.
I don't remember him saying anything or participating... but I do recall him watching. Sometimes, if I close my face and think hard enough, I can almost make out what his face looks like.
2) I remember a big fight between Jon, Vicki and me. I'm not sure what it was about. I do remember it being awfully violent for 5 year olds. And again... I remember the same driver being there - almost encouraging the activity.
After that, I have no recollection of ever riding with them to school again.
I do have memories of waiting for my older brother and sister after school. But that's it.
I often wonder what really happened and why I can't remember it.
I can count the number of times a year the memories of this incident climbs into my head. Maybe 10 or 15 times a year... every year... for the last 33 years.
Always equally as vivid.
It's usually followed by an intense desire to find Jon and Vicki and find out what ever happened to them... what they remember... but I've never been able to find them.
How do I feel about this?
I don't. It's usually fleeting
It's always just been a memory that I've had. I have never had any feelings associated with it, nor have I ever talked about this with anyone.
How do I feel about it now?
I don't.
I've never thought about it or spoke the words a loud.
How do I feel about putting this out there for all to read?
Afraid... no... afraid may be the wrong word.
To the Death? No...To the pain...

My world is getting smaller. Myopic. Blurred.
I don't feel and it doesn't bother me. Well, it does cognitively... I think.
I am going to have to probe, cut away, open and expose in order for this to get better.
Consider this a warning... this is not going to be for the faint of heart... you may want to come back later if the sight of brutal honesty bothers you.
Surgery will begin... when I get to Denver.
Right now, I have to scrub and prepare.
Yeah... I'm broken...

I had another non-date with someone that's turning out to be a really good friend. To my closest friends I describe her as follows: "She is me..."
As we sat down tonight over pizza, sharing life stories back and forth it amazes me how many things we have in common.
If I weren't broken, I believe I could actually fall in love with her... but, I don't feel... anything... at all. Mentally, I know that she's a friend. Mentally, I know that I'm comfortable with her. Mentally, I have a good time with her.
But my heart refuses to let there be an emotional bond - even something as simple as an emotional friendship tie. But I know mentally that that emotional friendship would be there if my heart worked.
But... alas, it doesn't. Br0k3n, bruIsed and damag3d so much that all elasticity and capacity to feel is gone.
I'm frustrated... and broken... and tired...
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Insights into my world...

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Apparently, it's true...

Denver ain't so bad...

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
An Ice Cube Story...

Note to self...
Monday, November 05, 2007
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Anything but love

The object of my affection...

What a lovely red...

She smiled earnestly and said "I want to understand."
He said "this heart of mine and all the pain it holds?"
And tore his chest open and asked her to behold!
She furrowed her brow, and intently nodded her head.
And with great joy she proclaimed, "What a lovely red."


There are times when I feel like a loser.
I wrote this incredible song last week. When I got home, I sat down at the keyboard, finished roughing it out. It sounds good... REALLY good.
Probably the best thing that I've ever heard penned from my own hand.
Even though I can play piano and guitar I can't get this song from my head to the recorder.
Under ordinary circumstances, I would call myself a loser and pout, but - ther comes a time when you have to begin to understand... I am not a loser... I just need help.
I'm not used to asking for help. Asking for help is new to me.
The question is... who can I ask?
Despair? Naaaaaaaah...