Friday, August 27, 2010

Chasing my tail???

So... here's the deal.

Remember Chi Chi? The one that I've broken up with more times than you can shake a stick at? Well, in our little on again/off again world - we are on again.

Yeah, I know, it seems crazy.

There are other people that I'm interested in, but there are a few quotes that may fit:

  • A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush
  • The devil that you know is better than the devil that you don't know
I'm sure there are a few others out there, but the truth is - every person that I get to know is worse than the person before... and the people that are chasing e now, are quite scary. BELIEVE ME!

So, what I've done is decided that I'm going to give her one last chance.


I'll report back on Monday.


1 comment:

Jimmy said...

Hmmmm....I'm to the point where I'm just taking it all in stride. Seriously. B asked me to move in with him, and I nixed that with a big N-O. That won't happen for a LOOOOOONG time to come. My only advice to you is to not park in a parking space where you get blocked in. AT ALL. Don't make it hard on yourself. And, don't even attempt to make promises, when there's a chance they could get broken. Stride, baby. Stride.