Saturday, March 27, 2010

Natural progressions

Life has a progression.

  • You're born
  • You suffer
  • You die
Okay... that's a little melancholy. And, that was intended to be humorous. There really is more to life than that.

Now, then it comes to relationships, there really is a progression, or at least in my world - and they're best described in musical terms.

  • Attack: The initial chemistry
  • Decay: The end of the infatuation period
  • Sustain: Faking it, because you think you have something... maybe
  • Release: The realization that it was all an illusion
All of this really has me... numb.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Life saver to the rescue...

You know, I have some friends that think I'm co-dependent, while others think I have a god complex trying to save the world.

I don't think that I'm co-dependent because I don't need to be needed. As a matter of fact, I tend to tune out to people that NEED to talk to me. I tend to shy away from people that only want to talk about what's going on in their world.

I like balance.

I understand that life is hard, and we all go through stuff... but you can't dump all your stuff on my without giving me the chance to dump some of my stuff on you. That's what friends do... the vent... then get on with life, right?

Okay... I've digressed, a little... where was I? Balance... right.

Some people think I have a god complex because I have such strong opinions about the way the world should be. I have to admit, that I do have a rather unique view of the way the world is, and I do really believe that people should at least be open to my perspective. Not because I have any original ideas, but because at the root of it all, I will simply point you to God. (Not in the Bible bashing way... or in the Jesus is your best friend kind of way... I won't go into this now... but I may at some other point in time.)

I like throwing a life saver out to anyone that may catch it. Life is hard, and we all need a little help sometimes (humming to myself... "I'll get by with a little help from my friends...")

A new friend of mine, probably one of the most balanced and caring people that I know called me with some distressing news.

I wanted to throw her a life saver, but instead... told her a joke, I think.

This is one of those times that I wish I did have a magic pill to make things better, or even the right words to say.

I don't.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Finding my tribe...

Sometimes, I feel a little lost. I feel like I'm out there alone without my tribe on some Australian walkabout.

As I understand it, a walkabout is a right of passage where you have to go out there and learn to live on your own in the wild.

I've been there for a while.

Now, it's time to find my tribe, but it seams like my people have up and moved away. Things around me look familiar, but slightly different because I can't find my FREAKIN' tribe.

What's up with that, yo?

Under ordinary circumstances, things seem a little out of kilter, but now, things seem really off balance.

Balance, balance, wherefore art thou balance?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Navigating life...

I have to admit it. Navigating life is difficult.

There really is no manual. Christians believe that the answers can be found in the Bible. Islamic believe that it's in the Koran. Others believe that the answers can be found in meditation. Still others believe that the answers are found in a bottle or in pills.

Either way, it can be difficult.

There are too many variables.

Other people, family, the economy, health... so many things that we don't have control over.

A lot of people wonder how I can manage to maintain in a world that's chaotic.

My answer is to simplify. To me, the world exists in 2 different categories:

  • Things we can't do anything about
  • Things we can do something about
I tend to concentrate on the things that I can do things about. And even those get prioritized.

The other secret that I have is to get it out...

That's why I blog. Often, once I get it out on paper, I feel better... much better.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Spring has sprung... and as a result, people are really hell bent on coupling.

During the winter, people hibernate... but when the weather is nice? People want someone in their life.

Thought... to be continued...

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

2 words... sounds like...

I hope I don't sound like a broken record.

I have some friends that I talk to that have reduced our "friendship" to a session where they do nothing more than talk about the following topics:

  • My dating life sucks
  • My life is a mess
I don't mind having the conversation about these, but I need more than the constant negativity.

There needs to be balance in all these things. I know I have some of the same matters in my own life, but I hope that my friendship with others extends beyond a shallow repetitive conversation.

It's not that I don't care, but I could use some good news too.

Ya know?

Share with me the good parts of your life, don't just call me to pick up the pieces.

Saturday, March 06, 2010


Sometimes, I feel like I'm on a road that's leading nowhere... except for maybe around in circles,
because I'm pretty sure that I've seen this place before.

I have always prided myself on not being the type of person that repeats the same mistakes over and over again, yet, oddly enough, I keep finding myself in the same situation over and over again.

What's up with that? Yo?

Honestly, I can look at it in one of 2 different ways... either I haven't learned the lesson that I'm supposed to learn, or... well, I guess there really is no other side of this coin.

Honestly, at the moment things are relatively frustrating for me.

Let's recap, I still work out of town. The number of friends I have because I'm never around has diminished to almost 0. (Okay... no almost about it...) The majority of the people I know are virtual... BLAAAAAAAAAAH....

On the positive side, I have managed to get my diet under control. I am 20 pounds lighter than I was when the new year started.

Be thankful for the small things in life...

I suppose