Saturday, April 22, 2006

Jehovah's Witnesses at The Door

There are venetian blinds on my front door.

When someone is at the door, the boys generally pull the blinds that have made a small gap in the window allowing you to see in.

While sitting on the love seat watching a movie minding, Joshua walked down the stairs... went to the window and looks outside, then walks downstairs.

I look out the window, and there are these 2 old white people standing there looking into the house. I don't know how long they were standing there... but - they were just standing there.

They didn't knock on the door until I went and stood in front of the door....

It's official. Jehovah's Witnesses are creapy.


Anonymous said...

They are just doing what they know and are taught too do. They are blinded from the word of God by satan. Just ask any of them about the precious Blood of Jesus! I need that awesome Blood covering every single day of my life! Thank You Jesus!!!

Life... is for the living... said...

The fact was that they were standing there looking in... and they were standing there for a while.

Even after my son saw them at the door, they still waited before they rang the doorbell...

Just standing there...

Looking in...

Anonymous said...

Well, they could've been the JW's or the Men in Black..both similarly creepy. I used to live in a place in New South Wales in a small town years ago and the JWs would regularly descend on our town every 2 weeks. Pest value only. They're not in the real world. But a Christian will naturally witness without all the hoo-har that these guys all believe. In fact the only use JWs do is create burned zones in people. So why do they do it? uh

Anonymous said...

..oops I should have explained what 'burned zones' means. It means basically that someone presents a false view of the gospel (I mean no blood transfusions ..really..they think THEIR blood's worth bottling..nah the life of everyone's flesh is in Christ's blood. If they lost theirs..they'd only die!) I was saying if someone presents a false view of the gospel, ie not anointed by the Spirit of God, then it follows that all this RELIGION is gunna make people sick of it. So when someone wants to share the real gos with 'em they're burned already. Yo see? Pest value only. Cheers!hey being anonymous makes me feel VERY outspoken LOL.