Thursday, April 28, 2011

I chose todays image because I was thinking about couples and the way that they look. 

To me, couples are viewed a few different ways: 
  • through her eyes
  • through his eyes
  • through the eyes of others
I know, that as an optimist, I will always view everything that we do in a positive light. I always work to find the good. When I see something that's awry I think of ways to make it better. I don't like hiding things in hopes that they'll go away. They never do... if unwatched, I believe, things have a way of turning into a wedge that can push couples apart.

I don't really care about how others view us - that's because everyone has their own dysfunction in their own relationships.

I DO care about how we look in the eyes of who I am dating/marrying. Is she optimistic, pessimistic, fear/worry driven... I want to know how she see us. It's important to me that I am aware of how she views us so I can strive to make sure that we're both moving in a direction that is positive for us.

I take this approach because Jesus prayed a prayer that said "Make them one, even as We are one" for his disciples. The Bible also says "can two walk together unless they be agreed?" I believe we can be strong as a couple if we embrace this and keep our views in sync.

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