Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Back on target

This has been a very good year in some ways and a bad year in other ways. In good ways, I have been working on planning a marriage with a woman that I truly love. It has taken me a long time to find her, and I can say that she is perfect for me - and believe me - my normal scrutinizing eye hasn't changed.

On the bad side, my diet has SUCKED!

I have been sedentary at work, as the nature of my job... then in the evenings, I'm on the phone with Lisa... so the pounds have started to add up.

This is a bad thing because it goes against my mantra "Once a pound is lost, it stays lost."

Well, 5 of those pounds found their way home and brought 15 of their closest friends to party around my mid-section. (For those slow on the uptake, I've gained 20 pounds.)

I have to admit that all of it wasn't because I ate poorly... I was trying to eat well. My overall goal was to drop my sodium intake to about 1500mg/day based on something that I read. I also needed to hit about 1800 calories/day. The problem with doing that was that I chose to supplement with various nuts (peanuts, almonds, pepitas, etc.) because they are high in protein, low in sodium and a handful is about 120 calories... great snack.

The problem with adding nuts is that they are not filling.... so I always had this "hungry" feeling - so I would eat more... you got it... nuts! So, I inadvertently went from 1800 calories a day to about 3000. 3000 calories + a sedentary lifestyle = weight gain.

It took me a second to figure that out.

Now? I'm back on track!

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