Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Well... I'm 3 days into my new workout regimine.

Currently my workout schedule is to bike 5 miles, walk a mile, work my abs, then upper body.

I try to do some variety so it's not always the same thing. I can honestly say that I feel good!

I cut 2 minutes off my mile today. I'm not trying to win any awards or train like I did when I played soccer. My basic pace is about 3 miles/hour - which is a 20 minute mile. Today, I did a sub 18 minute mile.

I really don't mind the excercise so much - it's the dietary changes that are killing me.

I've reduced my caloric intake - but the hardest thing of all is cutting out the miscellaneous carbs... I am a notorious snacker, and there's nothing more frustrating than working out then negating it by eating a whole pie.

Okay, I'm not currently eating a whole pie, but I've done it in the past.

I need to choose a weigh-in day and stick with it. Since I'm mentioning it now, I may as well make it Wednesday.

First, I would like to officially state that at my heaviest, I weighed 265.
I am currently at 245 and shrinking.

Wish me luck.

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