Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Task Oriented Christianity

A lot of times, Christians view themselves as these servants. Servants that are dispatched to do certain tasks and the only vested interest that they have in that task is getting it over as quickly as possible because it's too much like work. Examples of this are:

  • going to church on a weekly basis
  • serving once a week in the nursery or with the greeters or some other ministry
  • contributing to an offering
  • showing up early to set up for a program
It's all very task oriented.

The interesting is that God doesn't call us to be task oriented. In the Bible it says: 
Now you are no longer servants, but God's own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir. (Gal 4:7)
This opens up a whole new ball of wax.

When you sit at the Kings table, you're in on the planning. the King tells you what is on his mind. There is intimacy there. You are expected to participate - but with knowledge and with your resources. There will be times when you're asked to take a leadership role. You level and activity level takes on a whole new view point because of the realization that your wealth in the kingdom is tied into the wealth of the King. It's ownership and not just subservience.

When we think about Christianity, do we look at is as tasks supporting of distant God because it's what expected, or do we see our inheritance?

Believe me... that subtle change of view changes the way you work, live, act...

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