Thursday, May 08, 2008

Something's brewing...

Well now. I apologize for not being around. I've had some things brewing in my world.

Yep! Our hero has some things percolating in his personal life!!

I'm not ready to start discussing these things at length yet... but I see a definite up turn in my life after all the craziness that's been going on for the last few months.

I will catch you up on the REALLY important things that have been going on though.

I had my refrigerator repaired. After spending a couple days at my parents house I went home to find the cold side warm and the frozen side cool.

Not good. Soooo I threw away a lot of food... called the repair man. Need to get back home and check it out... make sure it was all done well.

Next, I took my lawn mower to the shop. 2 different sets of repairs and I'm going to have a working lawn mower again... WOO HOO!!!! Boy will my neighbors be happy.

My lawn is an overgrown mess at the moment too. I need to spend some time working on that too when I get back.

Sorry my life's been so boring lately.

Dad is doing well.

Mom is holding up as well.

I do have some things to talk about regarding that, but if I do, I may make it a private message and may only put it on my Multiply blog. We'll see...

Hope all is well with you!

1 comment:

G said...

Good news! I like the sound of that upswing. :)