Thursday, May 01, 2008

A moment of joy...

So... I've been so wrapped up in what's been going on with Mom/Dad that I haven't taken much time to take time out for me.

So... on this shorter trip up here this week I decided to bring my motorcycle. Mine is the blue one behind this yellow monster of a ride.

The yellow "moto-trike" has a v8 engine in it and just looks super cool

One of the things that I'm trying to do on in the mornings is get out and ride. Nothing like feeling the nice cool air to wash your worries away.

That... and I've been doing some writing. Check out the song Topsy Turvey - I recorded it at my parents house on a Boss Micro-BR- a multi-track recorder that fits in the palm of your hand.

See... a ray of happiness!

1 comment:

G said...

You've got your tunes and your ride... sounds like a good combo. I have yet to hear your music, but will when I return this evening. Have a great weekend!