Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Pin point laser accuracy...

I lost focus.

I've always tried to make my blog about my life and my struggles, and lately it's been about Chi Chi.

She has thrown me so off balance trying to bring her back into balance that it has become overwhelmingly obvious that I have lost focus on the most important thing... me.

(Okay... there were elements of humor in that, trust me.)

It's been stressful.

At the beginning of the year I decided that I wanted to get under 200 pounds. I had initially started my journey at around 280, I've been as low as 210, but I was about 237 pounds at the beginning of the year.

I posted on Facebook, with pictures of my in a tight white under armor shirt showing every fat roll, and I worked ... and worked... and worked until I was at 210.

All this stress has caused me to go back up to 220. I lost my momentum.

Oh... it doesn't stop there... There are a few other areas in which I've got to step up my "A" game as well.

So... this is where it starts.

All over again...

I'm taking the reigns of my life...

setting goals...

with pin point laser accuracy!

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