Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A moment of honesty....

In all honesty... I'm a pretty frugal guy. In a lot of instances, I can't see paying a TON of money for something that is just a material thing. I buy used cars... I shop for sales... If I could have gotten away with a $25 engagement ring based upon symbolism, I would have.

I'm not saying that was my intent... to go cheap... It really wasn't, but I am... frugal.

I apply it to my own life as well. I may like nice things, but if I have to wait until the product is discontinued to get it... I will.

Anyway, the picture above is the engagement ring for Lisa. This was a milestone event for me, because I really went out looking for something that I truly liked. Something that caught my eye... something that would speak to her uniqueness as well.

I wasn't shopping price tag. I wasn't shopping name brand... I was shopping heart.

When I saw this ring... it spoke to me. I took the picture and e-mailed it to her for approval.

"Money can't buy happiness, but going cheap sure can tarnish the feeling..."

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