Monday, July 21, 2008


All across the web I keep seeing this statement pop up:

Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option

Okay, I'm not sure if that's a statement or a declaration or a battle cry, but I've been thinking about that for the last couple of weeks.

Sometimes I think I wear myself too thin because I try to treat everyone in my life like they are a priority.

The question is... how do you make sure that you're not just an option to them?

Well, in my opinion, there are a couple ways. None of them are good.

1) Keep a notebook...

Yep... track why they call you. Do they want something? Do they want to talk about their day or do they call just to check in on you? Is there a balance?

2) Try to get a word in edgewise...

In the middle of the conversation, tell them something about you. Do they gloss over it or do they actually care to see what's going on for a minute?

3) Go missing...

If you talk with them on a regular basis stop. Do they realize that you're no longer in their life?

Anyway... gotta run... that's enough blogging for the day.

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