Wednesday, July 30, 2008


It's 3:30 in the morning and I am wide awake.

I'm restless...

Something is stirring and I don't quite know what it is.

Some interesting things have been going on in the last few days.

I took a detour a couple moths ago. I wasn't ready to date, but kind of found myself in a dating situation that ended terribly. That whole thing threw me for a loop.

It also took me a moment to recover.

I know I don't usually mention people in my blogs, but this one is worth mentioning.

Jenny really helped me see some things about myself. She helped me see that I had fallen into the same trap that all the other wanna-be-daters out there.

I left my game plan.

Well, I'm back on course now... but still a little restless... and don't know why.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is CoiTos (maybe you still know me)..
Sometimes pleople can't rest when they have something restless in their a problem or guilt feelings. Something that makes your mind work underground while you want it to rest.
Think about it. Maybe there is something unfinished in your mind.

I am sure if that is the case and you finish it, you will find rest.

(Congratulations on having dates now. I will try to encourage you from here. Good luck on the dates.)

Best wishes,