Monday, September 24, 2007

Fitness check-in

In order to hold myself accountable, I've decided to introduce a little somethingI'm going to call the Monday Morning Fitness Check-in. This is where I'll post about my ongoing struggles to get to a healthy weight.
Believe me, I could write about this on a daily basis, but I think this is enough to keep me accountable.
I weighed in this morning at 223.5 pounds.
When I went from 275 to 225 (then back up to 235 for most of the summer, then around 228 by Labor Day [First Weekend in September]) I would really control my diet during the week, but during the weekends, it would be "free".

Free weekends meant that I could have Pizza, soda, a burger... almost anything I wanted as long as it was done in moderation on Saturday and Sunday.

This go round, I'm not doing this... weekends are controlled diet days... without the mega calories of pizza or burgers and fries... starting next weekend. Honest.

I've also decided to make a couple dietary changes... before I would do breakfast, lunch, dinner. I think I need to eat more times during the day to pump up the metabolism. But I don't want to add a lot of unnecessary calories.

I think the secret is to eat foods with high water content. I've taken a picture of what my breakfast/luch foods are going to look like.

The healthy choise soup is actually good... there's less than 800 mg. of sodium in a serving that size - which comes to about 25% of what's needed in a day. Since I don't add salt to any of my other foods, I'm coming in at around 75% of the RDA with the way my current diet is set up.
The other foods were chosen because of their high water content. Grapes will make you feel full. Likewise with the pear.

I think most importantly, I listen to what my body tells me.

That's it on this topic until next weeks fitness check in.

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