Saturday, September 01, 2007


I have this friend named Jimmy who is a devoted member of Peta. I mean, she has taken in a stray bat that she found outside her apartment and nursed it back to help. She doesn't wear leather, doesn't eat meat...

I say all of this because I was in a store looking at furniture that I can't afford... and that's when I saw it... a couch that would completly make her cringe.

It was a leather couch.

At first, I thought there were faux fur throws on the couch... until I ran my hand across it. Then I realized that they had sewn animal fur onto the leather couch.

Okay... the couch says man... but if any guy bought this couch, I would have to say that he was compensating for something.

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

wow. i'm pretty sure i just threw up a little in my mouth.

one time, when me and a friend went into saks, right after it opened, just to look around, i saw this beautiful white muff that looked so soft, i just had to pick it up. my friend looked on the tag that was hanging down and read out loud, "100% rabbit pelt."

that was the loudest i've ever screamed in a department store. or in public. probably ever.