Sunday, December 09, 2007

Take a moment...

This was a good weekend.

There were A LOT of things that I needed to do during my short stay at home. I took the opportunity to do NONE OF THEM.

I took the time this weekend to hang out with good friends and new friends.

I took the opportunity to enjoy the weather.

I took the opportunity to enjoy life.

Life, in and of itself can be overwhelming. It can wear you down until your myopic world view only focuses on the bad times - the hard times - the past - what could be - what should be...

When we do this, we miss the wonders that are all around us.

When I was parking my motorcycle after a ride yesterday I noticed that I had a rose bush in full bloom in the middle of December.

That was all the reminder that I needed to take time out to enjoy life every once in a while.

So... in the middle of all your chaos and world worries... take a moment today to pause... and find a little wonderment of your own.

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