Saturday, March 08, 2008

We're all in this together...

I've learn a lot be reading blogs. Just last week - I learned that there are a lot of people that feel the same way that I feel... like I don't fit in and that I'm always on the outside.

I've always attributed that to skin color, honestly. It has always been my belief that birds of a feather flock together and I've never been around birds that were similar to me.

That turns out not to be true. I've talked with people that should be all means be a part of the "cool kids" - the in crowd based upon beauty and personality that feel far more on the outside than I do.


So, I spent last week going to support groups trying to find where I fit in. I did some group sampling.

To some degree, I felt like the character in Fight Club - you know, the beginning of the movie where Jack is attending these various meetings trying to feel.

There were some groups where I really liked the guys, but felt uncomfortable in the group because they were struggling with things that I don't struggle with.

Anyway, I think I found a group that I can identify with. We had our first meeting yesterday. People were very quick to share where where they were... where they've come from and accepted me with open arms.
It felt good.
Why didn't anyone tell me about these before?

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