Saturday, April 12, 2008

A mother's love...

From the time I was about 15 years old I've always had a strained relationship with my Mom. It's always bothered me that it hasn't been great.

Over the years I've tried to work on the relationship but always walk away shaking my head.

Honestly, there have been evenings where I've stayed up late at night wishing that I had the type of relationship with her the way that my brothers and sisters did.

Until yesterday.

In the last 24 hours, I've seen my Mom bring 2 of my sisters to their knees - and my brother who has been a ROCK to me in terms of the way he relates to my parents... his hands were literally shaking.

Let's talk about an eye opener.

My oldest sister talked with me for an hour about her relationship with Mom.

My little sister? 6 hours. I sat there... reassured her... helped her put the pieces back together.

It's odd... 4 siblings in the house all trying to do things to help Mom and Dad. And she's working against us. Pushing us away. Being accusative. Trying to pit one against the other. It's a dysfunctional masterpiece.

I've have honestly had to say - "you're my sister... I love you unconditionally, regardless of what Mom may say."

My next 3 weeks here are going to be... interesting.

I honestly don't want to air dirty laundry. I pride myself on talking about my life and only my life... but this effects my life.

Just a warning... in the event that my blog goes to a dark place...

Nah... I'm going to be fine. I don't hold things in. I work through them. I... am emotionally healthy.

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