Wednesday, April 16, 2008

An old proverb rings true...

There is an old saying that reads as follows:

"As iron sharpens iron, so does a friend sharpen the countenance of his friend."

After yesterday's birthday "celebration" I was feeling pretty down today. I was wallowing in self pity... until the doorbell rang unexpectedly.

When I opened the door an old college friend was at the door.

He was as surprised to see me as I was him. He basically was in the neighborhood and came over to ask my parents for my contact info... and I opened the door.

Lemme tell you my George stories...

When we were in college - he was in the Marines reserves. During the first Gulf War, his unit was called to serve. The nigh before he was supposed to report for duty - the 2 of us were hanging out.

We had this really deep friendship - he looked at me and he said - "I'm scared..."

I... of course being the problem solver that I am... took him out for donuts. We purchased a dozen...

He had 4... I had 4... leaving 4. I looked at him and said "I am going to save these donuts until you get back. When we do... we're going to eat them..."

Well, his unit got activated. He got deployed.

About 6 months later when he got back - he came over to visit.

As he sat down and relaxed... I went to my closet and pulled out this box of donuts that had been sitting out for 6 months. They were literally as hard as rocks. I opened the lid and said, "want one?"

This guy was honestly closer to me than a brother.

He came over at noon and stayed until around 10pm - just laughing, sharing memories. He did share something with me tonight that he hadn't shared with me before... and to some degree, it was comforting.

He said "Kingsley (one of our friends) and I actually cried when you told us you were getting married. Real tears - we were like - he's making a big mistake."

It really did my heart good to know that I had friends like that... friends that cared enough to cry over life decisions I was making.

I then of course chastised him for not throwing me in the back of his van and beating some sense into me...

It was a good visit. Although it's been 2 years since I've seen him, it's like we never parted ways.

Seeing him was the best belated birthday present I've received in years!

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